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Build Your Company by Developing Your Key Executives

Placing your key executive(s) in a Vistage group can have valuable short-term impact and long-term ramifications for your business strategy, efficiency, and success.

Listen to why CEOs want their key executives in a Vistage group
Who qualifies as a key executive?

Key executives typically include vice presidents, directors, CFOs, and COOs, or someone who may hold several titles. The determining factor is that the key executive reports directly to the CEO and has full responsibility for a business unit or branch. A key executive may be sponsored by a CEO who is also in Vistage, or they may be an independent representative of their company.

What’s the format for the group?

Key executive groups meet with the Chair each month for an entire day during which they present and work issues together. Eight of those sessions include an afternoon with a hosted speaker vetted by Vistage in an area of expertise. Chairs have the option of also providing key executives with monthly or bimonthly one-to-one meetings.

What does a key executive gain?

Key executive group members gain fresh insight into the CEO’s perspective by probing into business issues with a broader understanding of both problems and solutions. Doing so expands a key executive’s knowledge and bolsters their confidence, which in turn adds significant value to the CEO and the company as a whole.

How does the CEO benefit?

There are three main benefits:

1. Working with a key executive gives the Vistage Chair additional insight into the business, the CEO, and the potential blindspots of both.

2. Having a direct report(s) in a Key Executive group gives CEOs someone with whom they can compare notes, align strategies, and address issues that affect the bottom line.

3. Sharing the Vistage experience creates a strong bond between the CEO and direct report(s) which has ramifications throughout an organization’s management structure, business processes, and financial success.

Creating commonality between the CEO and key executive

Multiplying your investment as a CEO

Communicating with and educating your key executives

Confidently passing responsibility to key executive(s)

Boosting a key executive’s confidence and value

Learn More About the Key Executive Program
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